Should you watch this movie? YES.
I'm getting ahead of myself.
The Movie: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie. 1995 - Written by Arne Olsen (No wiki) Directed by Bryan Spicer. Staring Jason David Frank, Amy Jo Johnson, David Yost, Steve Cardenas, Johnny Yong Bosch, Karan Ashley, Paul Schrier, Jason Narvy, and Paul Freeman as Ivan Ooze
So I owe everyone an apology. When I first started this blog, the theme for the month was Octerrible, and I promised you that I would be watching a bad movie every day all month. Well it turns out I have failed you, the internet, because by choosing The 1995 classic Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie I have broken that purview. This movie is an american classic that deserves to be lauded among the great films of our time.
I might be being a bit hyperbolic. Jokes aside,I fucking love this movie.I loved it as a kid, and I loved it a few hours ago when it danced across my eyes and filled my room with quips so bad they make you scream out loud.
It opens on our heroes (They are never introduced in a way sufficient to the standards set by the medium of film. If you didn't watch the tv show, these people might as well be cartoon renderings of good looking martial artists from 1990) skydiving to a red hot chili peppers song. They then roller skate around Angel Grove. The bad guys from the TV show won't cut it for the movie, so Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd call upon the Morphilogical (that's the real term the movie uses) being known as Ivan Ooze (Paul Freeman, as just the poorest mans Robin Williams)
Usually the show follows a pretty formulaic plot. Rita or Zedd call upon a monster, the rangers beat the monster, the monster grows really big, and the rangers call upon their

Real talk, if you have no nostalgia for the Power Rangers this movie will probably not sit well. I can't find myself liking it with out referencing the context of the television show (which is weird because I believe this movie isn't cannon) so if you haven't seen the show, and you don't care to tickle that whimsy bone, maybe skip this movie. But if you watched the show, or even have a passing familiarity with the program WATCH THIS MOVIE
Where Can I watch it? Amazon Prime!
Thanks for reading! This one was definitely for me. Tomorrow I'll be watching Russell Madness.
If you have ideas for other bad movies I could watch, comment below. I'll try to fit them in!
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